Monday, March 10, 2008

An unexpected victory in Spain

Spain went to the polls today in another general election marred by terrorism. There was widespread concern that ETA's assassination of a former Socialist Party councillor would drive voters into the arms of the rabidly nationalist People's Party, but that hasn't happened. Instead, with 95% of the votes counted, it looks as if the governing Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) has increased its seats in the Cortes. While it hasn't won a majority (Spain uses proportional representation), it will almost certainly continue in government. The PSoE also seems to have increased its seats in the Senate, though regional appointments may complicate things.

As for ETA, their major victim seems to have been the Basque Nationalist Party (EAJ-PNV), who lost over 100,000 votes as their supporters stayed away from the polls.

There's further discussion, as always, on European Tribune.